“I wanted to thank you for donating the transport car. My cousin Rob (Retired Engine 33) was diagnosed with Stage IV stomach cancer two months ago and we have been lucky enough to have access for transportation. It’s been helping a lot of families. The Bucca transport car is very popular on Staten Island. My cousin was so excited to have access to it. It made him feel like he still has the FDNY connection, which he does.”
On Veteran's Day (November 11, 2014), we dedicated a new Ford Escape to the Fire Family Transport Foundation. FFTS assists families of firefighters in their times of greatest need, in transporting firefighters, family members and department personnel to and from medical institutions both for care and family support. We are happy to say that in 2018 the Bucca Transport Car is still actively serving the fire community.
Our donation was inspired by the support that Ron and our family received in 1986 after his on the job fall while serving with Rescue 1. Transportation assistance was an invaluable help to him and our family during his long recovery. We're proud the Bucca Transport Car will now help other FDNY families in their time of need.
We thank and honor all of those who searched through ground zero during those dark days and those who continue to protect and serve.