What is Biofeedback? - Interview with Peer Coach Ali
To kick-off "Breath," the second topic of "Ron's Lessons in Resilience," StandFast Alliance's Senior Vice President of Programming, Katie Copeskey, sits down with Peer Coach Ali as she talks about what it means to be a peer coach for StandFast Alliance, what biofeedback is, and how to measure the effects of stress on the body through a computer software program called emwave. Live demo included!
Ali is a certified wellness professional, specializing in teaching, healing optimization, and health promotion. Through her life experiences, she has developed a great appreciation for the stress that service members and their families can face. She also works with cancer survivors through the YMCA, helping them to continue to find strength in mind, body, and spirit after their diagnosis. With a Master's Degree in Exercise Science and Health Promotion, Ali is dedicated to developing a sense of community among individuals to empower them to be disciplined, stay positive, and incorporate a holistic approach to a healthier lifestyle. As an Army spouse whose husband has deployed to multiple combat deployments, Ali knows how important it is to be resilient and ready for life’s challenges, in and out of the service.
Tactical Breathing for the Military
To continue the "Breath" topic of "Ron's Lessons in Resilience," read more about how the breath impacts our body's nervous system as well as other benefits to tactical breathing in HPRC - Human Performance Resources by CHAMP's article. There's even a breath pacer to help you get used to breathing slowly and rhythmically. When do you think you can take a few minutes to become more aware of your breath?